Erni, John N. (2019). Law and Cultural Studies: A Critical Rearticulation of Human Rights. New York & London: Routledge. 232 pages. Refereed.
Erni, John N. (Ed.) (2017). Visuality, Emotions, and Minority Culture: Feeling Ethnic. Heidelberg: Springer. In the “Humanities in Asia” series. 164 pages. Refereed.
Erni, John N. and Ho, Louis (Eds.) (2016). (In)visible Colors: Images of Non-Chinese in Hong Kong Cinema, 1970s – 2010s. Hong Kong: Cinezen Publishing.
Chan, Kara & Erni, John Nguyet (2016). Project for Supporting “Independent Enquiry Study” Among Secondary School Students. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University. (Knowledge Transfer Project). 132 pages.
Erni, John N. and Murphy, Terry (Eds.) (2015). Between Literary and Cultural Studies: Asian Explorations. Singapore: Asia Research Institute (National University of Singapore). 159 pages.
Ho, Louis, Fung, Anthony, Chow, Yiu Fai & Erni, John N. (2015). Undressing the Male Professors. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing. (in Chinese). 何建宗,馮應謙,周耀輝,陳錦榮《透視男教授》香港:三聯書店(香港)有限公司,2015。
Erni, John N. and Leung, Lisa (2014). Understanding South Asian Minorities in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. 237 pages. Chinese edition:陳錦榮, 梁旭明《認識香港南亞少數族裔》香港:中華書局(香港)有限公司, 2016. 273 pages.
Erni, John N. (Ed.) (2011). Cultural Studies of Rights: Critical Articulations. New York & London: Routledge. 136 pages.
Abbas, Ackbar & Erni, John N. (Eds.) (2005). Internationalizing Cultural Studies: An Anthology. Oxford, UK; Malden, Mass.; Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
685 pages. Preface, pp. xxv-xxvii; Introduction Chapter, pp. 1-12; Introduction to Part V, pp. 297-303. * Translated into Chinese edition, published by Peking University Press, June 2006.
Erni, John N. & Chua Siew Keng (Eds.) (2005). Asian Media Studies: Politics of Subjectivities. Oxford, UK; Malden, Mass.; Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
261 pages. Introduction Chapter, pp. 1-15; Chapter 12, pp. 225-252.
Erni, John N. (1994). Unstable Frontiers: Technomedicine and the Cultural Politics of “Curing” AIDS. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 166 pages.
* – denotes an SSCI publication
* Erni, John N.& Striphas, Ted(Special Issue Editors) (2021, May). Special issue on “The Cultural Politics of COVID-19,” Cultural Studies, 35(2-3).
Erni, John N. (Special Issue Editor) (2021). Special issue on “Law as/and Culture: Reconfiguring Human Rights and Justice,” IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 6.
* Erni, John N., Martin, Fran & Yue, Audrey (Special Issue Editors) (2019). “Mobilities, Borders and Precarities in Asia’s New Millennium,” Cultural Studies, 33(6). 174 pages. Introduction, 19 pages
Erni, John N. (Special Issue Editor) (autumn 2014). Special Issue: “Locating Desires: Screens and Urban Culture in Asia,” Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context, 7(2). 106 pages. Introduction, pp. 1-11.
Fung, Y.H. Anthony & Erni, John N. (Special issue Editors) (2012). Special Issue: “Public Screen Cultures,” Communication & Society, 21. (In Chinese) 176 pages. Introduction, pp. 17-22.
* Erni, John N. (Special Issue Editor) (2010). Special Issue: “Cultural Studies of Rights: Critical Articulations,” Communication & Critical/Cultural Studies, 7(3). 115 pages. Introduction, pp. 221-229.
Erni, John N. (Special Issue Editor) (2005). Special Issue: “The Philosophy of Communication Division of the ICA: Histories, Intellectual Trajectories, and Struggles,” Communication Review, 8. 52 pages. Introduction, pp. 371-375.
* Erni, John N. (Special Issue Editor) (2001). Special Issue: “Becoming (Postcolonial) Hong Kong,” Cultural Studies, 15(3/4), July/October. 238 pages. Introduction, pp. 389-418.
* – denotes an SSCI publication
^ – denotes an AHCI publication
* Erni, John N. (under review). “Law’s Continuum: On the Police Complex.” Submitted to Cultural Studies.
* Zhang, Yin & Erni, John N. (under review). “Reconsidering Cultural Non-participation by Ethnic Minority Youth: A Cultural Indicator Analysis.” Submitted to Applied Research in Quality of Life.
* Erni, John N. & Striphas, Ted (2021). “COVID-19, the Multiplier.” Special issue on “The Cultural Politics of COVID-19,” Cultural Studies, 35(2-3), 211-237.
Erni, John N. (2021). “Is Ethnic Cultural Participation the Answer?: A Cultural Capacity Analysis,” Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context, 14(1): 1-33.
Erni, John N. (2021). “Toward a Juris-cultural Studies of Human Rights,” in the Special issue on “Law as/and Culture: Reconfiguring Human Rights and Justice,” IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies, 6: 3-14.
Erni, John N. (2020). “法治之非法,” 文化研究 Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies, 31: 163-185. Translated by Lin Chia-Hsuan. (in Chinese)
Erni, John N. (2020). “The Lawlessness of Law and Order,” International Center for Cultural Studies Working Paper Series, National Chiao Tung University, ISSN 2707-2193, No. 27,
* Martin, Fran, Erni, John N., Yue, Audrey (2019). “(Im)mobile Precarity in the Asia-Pacific,” Cultural Studies, 33(6): 895-914, DOI: 10.1080/09502386.2019.1660690
* Erni, John N. and Leung, Daren (2019). “The Dilemma of Mobility: On the Question of Youth Voluntourism in Times of Precarity,” Cultural Studies, 33(6): 915-943. DOI: 10.1080/09502386.2019.1660691
Erni, John N. (2018). “The puzzlement of rights,” in Christine Kim & Helen Lok-Sze Leung, “The Minor Transpacific: A Roundtable Discussion,” BC Studies: The British Columbia Quarterly, 198: 13-36.
Erni, John N. (2016). “Disrupting the Colonial Transgender/Law Nexus: Reading the Case of W in Hong Kong,” Cultural Studies – Critical Methodologies, 16(4): 351-360. Lead article in in a special issue edited by Raka Shome. DOI: 10.1177/1532708616643987
* Erni, John N. (2015). “Citizenship management: On the politics of being included-out,” International Journal of Cultural Studies, 18(2): 1-18. DOI: 10.1177/1367877915573772
* Erni, John Erni (2015). “A legal realist view on citizen actions in Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement,” Chinese Journal of Communication, 8(4): 412-419.
Erni, John N. (2014). “Locating Desires – Screens and Urban Culture in Asia: Notes on the Special Issue,” Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context, 7(2): 1-11.
* Fung, Y. H. Anthony & Erni, John N. (2013). “Cultural Clusters and Cultural Industries in China,” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 14(4): 644-656. DOI: 10.1080/14649373.2013.831207
* ^ Erni, John N. (2013). “Cultural studies meets rights criticism,” Communication & Critical/Cultural Studies, 10(2-3): 238-241.
* Erni, John N. (2013). “Legitimating Transphobia: The Legal Disavowal of Transgender Rights in Prison,” Cultural Studies, 27(1): 136-159. DOI:10.1080/09502386.2012.722305.
Erni, John & Fung, Y.H. Anthony (2012). “Public Screen Cultures: An emerging field in cultural studies,” Communication & Society, 21: 17-22. (in Chinese)
* Erni, John N. (2012). “Who Needs Strangers?: Un-imagining Hong Kong Chineseness.” Chinese Journal of Communication, 5(1): 1-10.
* ^ Erni, John N. (2010). “Reframing Cultural Studies: Human Rights as a Site of Legal-cultural Struggles,” Communication & Critical/Cultural Studies, 7(3): 221-229.
Erni, John N. & Fung, Anthony (2010). “Clever Love: Dislocated Intimacies among Youth.” Emotions, Space & Society, 3: 21-27.
* Erni, John N. (2010). “The reconstituted body in law.” International Journal of Communication, 4: 226-230. In the Feature Section.
* Erni, John N. (2009). “War, ‘Incendiary Media’, International Human Rights Law.” Media, Culture & Society, 31(6): 1-20. Lead article.
* Erni, John N. (2009). “Human Rights in the Neo-liberal Imagination: Mapping the ‘New Sovereignties’,” Cultural Studies, 23(3): 417-436. Translated into Chinese in Wing Sang, Law (ed.), Cultural Studies and Cultural Education. Hong Kong: Step Forward Multimedia, 2010, pp. 98-121.
* Erni, John N. (2008). “Almost Under the Same Sky: Reclaiming Urbanity beyond an Epidemic.” Meaghan Morris, ed., Special Issue on “Urban Imaginaries,” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 9(4): 598-611.
* Erni, John N. (2008). “Enchanted: Harry Potter and Magical Capitalism in Urban China.” Chinese Journal of Communication, 1(2): 138-155.
* Erni, John N. (2007). “Gender and Everyday Evasions: Moving with Cantopop,” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 8(1) (March): 86-105.
* ^ Erni, John N. (2006). “Epidemic Imaginary: Performing Global Figurations of ‘Third World AIDS’,” Space and Culture: International Journal of Social Spaces, 9(4): 429-452. DOI: 1177/1206331206292448.
Erni, John N. (2005). “Does PHILCOM matter?: Notes for an ‘Investigative Audience’,” Communication Review, 8(4): 371-375.
* Erni, John N. (2003). “Run Queer Asia Run.” Journal of Homosexuality, 45 (2/3/4): 381-384. Simultaneous published in Gust A. Yep, Karen E. Lovaas, and John P. Elia (Eds.), Queer Theory and Communication: From Disciplining Queers to Queering the Disciplines (pp. 381-384). New York: Haworth Press, 2003.
* Erni, John N. (2001). “Like a Postcolonial Culture: Hong Kong Re-imagined,” Cultural Studies, 15(3/4): 389-418.
* Erni, John N. and Spires, Anthony J. (2001). “Glossy Subjects: G & L Magazine and ‘Tongzhi’ Cultural Visibility in Taiwan,” Sexualities, 4(1): 25-49.
Erni, John N. (1998). “Like a Culture: Notes on Pop Music and Popular Sensibility in Decolonized Hong Kong,” Hong Kong Cultural Studies Bulletin, 8/9 (Spring/Summer): 55-63.
* Erni, John N. (1998). “Queer Figurations in the Media: Critical Reflections on the Michael Jackson Sex Scandal,” Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 15: 158-180.
* Erni, John N. (1997). “Of Desire, the Farang, and Textual Excursions: Assembling ‘Asian AIDS’,” Cultural Studies, 11(1): 64-77.
^ Erni, John N. (1996). “Eternal Excesses: Toward a Queer Mode of Articulation in Social Theory,” American Literary History, 8(3): 566-581.
* Erni, John N. (1996). “On the Limits of ‘Wired Identities’ in an Age of Global Media,” Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 2(4): 419-428.
* ^ Erni, John N. (1996). “AIDS Science: Killing More Than Time,” Science as Culture, 5: 400-430.
Erni, John N. (1992). “Intensive Care: Mapping the Body-Politics of AIDS,” Praxis, 3: 47-69.
* Erni, John N. (1992). “Articulating the (Im)possible: Popular Media and The Cultural Politics of ‘Curing’ AIDS,” Communication, 13: 39-56.
Erni, John N. (1989). “Where is the ‘Audience’?: Discerning the (Impossible) Subject,” Journal of Communication Inquiry, 13(2): 30-42.
Erni, John N. (1987). “Culture, Ideology and the Media: An Account of the Work of Stuart Hall,” Studies in Communication and Culture, 1(1): 114-154.
Refereed Book Chapters
Erni, John N. (forthcoming 2021). “Color Charts: A Cultural Chronicle of Non-Chinese Ethnic Images in Hong Kong Cinema.” In Mette Hjort & Ted Nannicelli (eds)., A Companion to Motion Pictures and Public Value. Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell.
Erni, John N. and Zhang, Yin (2020). “Ethnic Minority Youth as Digital Cultural Participants: Toward a Critical Indicator Study.” In Lam, Sunny Sui-kwong (ed.), New Media Spectacles and Multimodal Creativity in a Globalised Asia – Art, Design and Activism in the Digital Humanities Landscape. Singapore: Springer Nature, 3-24.
Erni, John N. (2019). “The Anti-Ecstasy of Human Rights: A Foray into Queer Cinema on ‘Homophobic Africa’.” In Mette Hjort and Eva Jørholt (eds.), African Cinema and Human Rights. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 256-279.
Erni, John N. (2019). “Racialism,” in Stephen Chu (ed.), Hong Kong Keywords. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 233-244. (in Chinese)
陳錦榮, “種族劃分主義,”朱耀偉編 《香港關鍵詞》香港: 香港中文大學出版社, 2019.
Henderson, Lisa, Erni, John N., Hogan, Mél, and Christian, Aymar Jean (2018). “Making and Doing Dossier.” In Scott, D. Travers and Shaw, Adrienne (eds.), Interventions: Communication Theory and Practice. New York: Peter Lang, 273-284.
Zhang, Yin and Erni, John N. (2017). ”In with expectations and out with disappointment: Gay tailored social media and the redefinition of intimacy.” In Rikke Andreassen, Michael Nebeling Petersen, Katherine Harrison and Tobias Raun (eds.), Mediated Intimacies. Connectivities, Relationalities and Proximities. New York & London: Routledge, 143-156.
Erni, John N. (2017). “Sex and Freedom in the Chatroom: The Hong Kong Golden Forum as Method.” In Stephen Chu (ed.), Hong Kong Culture and Society in the New Millennium: Hong Kong as Method. Heidelberg: Springer, 33-58.
Erni, John N. (2017). “Introduction: Affect and critical multiculturalism in Asia,” in John N. Erni (Ed.) Visuality, Emotions, and Minority Culture: Feeling Ethnic. Heidelberg: Springer, 1-10.
Erni, John N. and Ho, Louis (2017). “Happy campers: ‘All About Us’ and self-representation”, in John N. Erni (Ed.) Visuality, Emotions, and Minority Culture: Feeling Ethnic. Heidelberg: Springer, 93-110.
Erni, John N. (2016). “Afterword: On Meta-media for Trans-Asia.” In Daniel Black, Olivia Khoo & Koichi Iwabuchi (eds.), Contemporary Culture and Media in Asia. Oxford, UK: Roman & Littlefield, 225-230.
陳錦榮(John Nguyet Erni)、何建宗、楊春 (2016), “引言:香港電影的另一面,” Erni, John N. and Ho, Louis (Eds.). 若隱若現:香港電影的非華人形象(1970至2010 年代) (In)visible Colors: Images of Non-Chinese in Hong Kong Cinema, 1970s – 2010s. Hong Kong: Cinezen Publishing. In Chinese, 4-12
陳錦榮(John Nguyet Erni)、鄭佩媚 (2016), “激戰女性雄風與越南的隱喻──1980 年代的警匪片與越南難民故事,” Erni, John N. and Ho, Louis (Eds.). 若隱若現:香港電影的非華人形象(1970至2010 年代) (In)visible Colors: Images of Non-Chinese in Hong Kong Cinema, 1970s – 2010s. Hong Kong: Cinezen Publishing. In Chinese, 44-49.
Erni, John N. (2016). “Internet sex chatting and ‘vernacular masculinity’ among Hong Kong youth.” In Julia Coffey, Shelley Budgeon & Helen Cahill (eds.), Learning Bodies: The Body in Youth Studies. New York: Springer.
Erni, John N. (2015). “The Dis-encompassed: On the Precarious Politics of Citizenship Management.” John N. Erni and Terry Murphy (eds.), Between Literary and Cultural Studies: Asian Explorations. Singapore: Asia Research Institute (National University of Singapore), 1-18.
Fung, Anthony, Erni, John N., and Yang, Frances (2015). “Asian Popular Culture Review.” Toby Miller (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Global Popular Culture. New York & London: Routledge, 481-491.
Erni, John N. (2014). “Not a Stranger to Cantonese: On the Estrangement of Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong.” In Eva Man (ed.), The Politics of the Cantonese Language in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 117-132. In Chinese: 陳錦榮著:〈不陌生的陌生人:香港少數族裔的陌生化〉,載文潔華編著:《粵語的政治:香港語言文化的異質與多元》(香港:香港中文大學出版社,2014),頁117-132。
Erni, John N. (2014). “Marriage Rights for Transgender People in Hong Kong: Reading the W Case.” Deborah Davis and Sara Friedman (eds.), Wives, Husbands, and Lovers: Marriage and Sexuality in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Urban China. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 189-216.
Erni, John N. (2013). “Law, Embodiment, and the Case of ‘Harborcide’.” In Jeroen de Kloet & Lena Scheen (eds.), Spectacle and the City: Chinese Urbanities in Art and Popular Culture. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press, 227-242.
Erni, John N. (2013). “When Chinese Kids meet Harry Potter: Translating Consumption and Middle-class Identification.” In Anthony Y.H. Fung (ed.), Asian Popular Culture: The Global Discontinuity. New York: Taylor and Francis, 21-41.
Erni, John N. (2012). “Who Needs Human Rights: Cultural Studies and Public Institutions.” In Meaghan Morris and Mette Hjort (eds.), Creativity and Academic Activism: Instituting Cultural Studies. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 175-190.
Erni, John N. (2011). “Legal Education and the Rise of Rights-consciousness in China.” In Zelizer, Barbie (ed.), Making the University Matter. London and New York: Routledge, 228-235.
Erni, John N. (2008). “Between Production and Consumption: The Tourism Service Class as ‘Cultural Intermediaries’” in Frank Faulkner, Colin J. Jones, Mark W. Neal, & John Walsh (eds.), Tourism, Leisure and Development: Emerging Themes and Research. Thailand: Shinawatra University Press, pp. 31-57 (E-book ISBN: 978-974-94397-3-9).
Erni, John N. (2008). “Out-performing identities.” In Angel Lin (ed.), Problematizing Identity: Everyday Struggles in Language, Culture, and Education. New York, London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 193-198.
Erni, John N. (2007). “SARS, Avian Flu, and the Urban Double-take.” In Deborah Davis & Helen Siu (eds.), SARS: Reception and Interpretation in Three Chinese Cities. New York: Routledge, 45-73.
Erni, John N. (2006). “Flaunting Identity: Spatial Figurations and the Display of Sexuality.” In Lawrence J. Prelli (ed.), Rhetorics of Display. South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press, 311-326.
Erni, John N. & Chua, Siew Keng (2005). “Our Asian Media Studies?” In John Erni & Chua Siew Keng (eds.), Asian Media Studies: Politics of Subjectivities. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, 1-15.
Erni, John N. & Spires, Anthony (2005). “The Formation of a Queer-imagined Community in Post-Martial Law Taiwan.” In John Erni & Chua Siew Keng (eds.), Asian Media Studies: Politics of Subjectivities. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, 225-252.
Erni, John N. & Abbas, Ackbar (2005). “General Introduction.” In Ackbar Abbas & John N. Erni (eds.), Internationalizing Cultural Studies: An Anthology. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, 1-12.
Erni, John N. (2005). “Popular practices.” In Ackbar Abbas & John N. Erni (eds.), Internationalizing Cultural Studies:An Anthology. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, 297-303.
Erni, John N. (2004). “Global AIDS, Information Technology, and Critical Humanism: Reframing International Health Communication.” In Mehdi Semati (ed.), New Frontiers in International Communication Theory. Lanham, MD: Rowland & Littlefield, 71-88.
Erni, John N. (2001). “Media Studies and Cultural Studies: A Symbiotic Convergence.” In Toby Miller (ed.), A Companion to Cultural Studies. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, 187-213.
Erni, John N. (1998). “Ambiguous Elements: Rethinking the Gender/Sexuality Matrix in an Epidemic.” In Nancy Roth and Katie Hogan (eds.), Gendered Epidemic: Representations of Women in the Age of HIV/AIDS. New York: Routledge, 3-29.
Erni, John N. (1998). “Redressing Sanuk: ‘Asian AIDS’ and the Practices of Women’s Resistance.” In Nancy Roth & Linda Fuller (eds.), Women and AIDS: Negotiating Safer Practices, Care, and Representation. New York: The Harrington Park Press, 231-256.
Erni, John N. (1996). “Articulating the (Im)possible: The Contradictory Fantasies of ‘Curing’ AIDS.” In Jarice Hanson & David Maxcy (eds.), Sources: Notable Selections in Mass Media. Guilford: Dushkin Publishing Group, 262-272.
Short Entries
Erni, John N. (2021). “Foreword,” in Lisa Y.M. Leung, Ethnic Minorities, Media and Participation in Hong Kong: Creative and Tactical Belonging. London & New York: Routledge, vii-ix.
Erni, John N .陈锦荣(2019). “香港青年的网络‘聊骚’与‘民间男性气质’,” trans., 梁成林, 《热风学术网刊》Refeng Academic Journal Online(China), Issue 14, September: 63-76. Available at:
English version: “Crass but Cool: Examining online sex-chatting and new constructions of masculinity among Hong Kong youth.” Available at:
Erni, John N. (2019). “W v. Registrar of Marriages (Hong Kong),” in Howard Chiang et al (eds.), Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History. Michigan: Charles Scribner’s Sons (an imprint of Gale, a Cengage Company), 1713-1716. Winner of the 2020 Dartmouth Medal for most outstanding reference work, an annual award presented by the expert reference and collection development librarians of the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of the American Library Association.
Erni, John N. (2018). “用文化研究跟少數族裔同行.” 《行出一小步——從我到我們的社區實驗》 (作者:一小步). 香港: 突破出版社, 86-93.
Erni, John N. (2016). “香港的少數族群:多元主義者的兩難?”(“Hong Kong’s Ethnic Minorities: A Pluralist Dilemma?”). 號外 (City Magazine). Issue 479, August 2016, pp. 98-99.
Erni, John N. (2014). “權力和真實性” (Authority and Authenticity). In All About Us: Commentaries on the Creative Short Films by Ethnic Minority Youth Talents (Book and DVD Set)《創意全記錄影像無國界-導讀文章及學員影像作品DVD》. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Arts Centre, 24-27.
Erni, John N. (2014). “從懲罰到寬恕” (From Retribution to Forgiveness). In All About Us: Commentaries on the Creative Short Films by Ethnic Minority Youth Talents (Book and DVD Set)《創意全記錄影像無國界-導讀文章及學員影像作品DVD》. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Arts Centre, 28-30.
Erni, John N. (2014). “女孩的空間” (Girls’ Space). In All About Us: Commentaries on the Creative Short Films by Ethnic Minority Youth Talents (Book and DVD Set) 《創意全記錄影像無國界-導讀文章及學員影像作品DVD》. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Arts Centre, 31-33.
Erni, John N. (2011). “Cheung Kwok-wing, Leslie.” In May Holdsworth and Christopher Munn (Eds.), Dictionary of Hong Kong Biography. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 86-7.
Erni, John N. (2011). “Mui Yim-fong, Anita.” In May Holdsworth and Christopher Munn (Eds.), Dictionary of Hong Kong Biography. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 330-1.
Erni, John N. (2011). “Chan Pak-keung, Danny”. In May Holdsworth and Christopher Munn (Eds.), Dictionary of Hong Kong Biography. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 73-4.
Erni, John N. (2010). “Stuart Hall.” In Wolfgang Donsbach (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Communication. Blackwell Publishing, Blackwell Reference Online.
Erni, John N. (2002). “Stereotypes and Representations: International.” In Toby Miller (Ed.), Television Studies. London: BFI Publishing, 56-59.
Erni, John N. (2000). “AIDS in the U. S. Media.” In George E. Haggerty (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Lesbian and Gay Histories and Cultures, Vol. II: Gay Histories and Cultures (pp. 868-870). New York: Garland Publishing.
Erni, John N. (2000). “Television.” In George E. Haggerty (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Lesbian and Gay Histories and Cultures, Vol. II: Gay Histories and Cultures (pp. 28-29). New York: Garland Publishing.
Conference Proceedings
Erni, John N. (2019). “Open World Empire: Rethinking Law, Culture, and Rights,” Conference Proceedings of the Peace and Conflict Resolution Conference 2019, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 92-104.
Erni, John N. (2019). “Is ethnic cultural participation the answer?” Conference Proceedings of the SituationsInternational Conference: Ethnicity, Race and Racism in Asia, Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, pp. 112-133.
Erni, John N., (2012). “Sex/Text: Internet sex chatting and ‘vernacular masculinity’ in Hong Kong,” Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on Society, Humanity & History (edited by Han Yan). Singapore: IACSIT Press, pp. 56-60.
Erni, John N. (2010). “Law, Embodiment, and the Case of ‘Harborcide’,” Conference Proceedings of a Symposium on “Spectacle and the city – Urbanity in popular culture and art in East Asia.” Leiden, The Netherlands: The International Institute for Asian Studies, pp. 182-198.
Erni, John N. (2007, May). “Between Production and Consumption: The Tourism Service Class as ‘Cultural Intermediaries’,” Conference Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure, pp. 31-57.
Erni, John N. (2006). “Harry Potter and ‘Magical Capitalism’ in Urban China,” Conference Proceedings of “Cultural Space and Public Sphere in Asia: An International Conference.” Seoul: Asia’s Future Foundation, pp. 2-12.
Erni, John N. (2005). “Queer Pop Asia: Toward a Hybrid Regionalist Imaginary,” Conference Proceedings of the First International Conference of Asian Queer Studies (Sexualities, Genders, and Rights in Asia).
Erni, John N. (2001) “Global Digital Care? Critical Issues in Information Networking over Public Health in Developing Countries.” In Conference Proceedings of the Pacific Neighbourhood Consortium 2001 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings (CD-Rom). Taiwan: Computing Centre, Academia Sinica.
Erni, John N., Sun, L. N. & Yi, Li (1998). “Visual merchandising trends of denim products in major fashion cities.” (in Chinese). In The Conference Proceedings of Contemporary Textile Studies, Sponsored by the Hong Kong Textile Association and China Textile Engineering Society, April 1998, Beijing (pp. 111-117).
* – denotes an SSCI publication
^ – denotes an AHCI publication
Erni, John N. (2015). “Transgendering the law” (Book review), Cultural Studies, 29, issue 3. 3 pgs. DOI: 10.1080/09502386.2015.1007387
Erni, John N. (2007, December). A Review of Media & Crime by Yvonne Jewkes. Asian Journal of Criminology, 2, no. 2: 201-203.
* Erni, John N. (2005). “Queer Cultural Rights” (Book Review), Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, vol. 6, no. 1: 141-146.
* ^ Erni, John N. (2004). A Review of Globalizing AIDS. Space and Culture: International Journal of Social Spaces, vol. 7, no. 2 (May): 255-256.
Erni, John N. (2004). A Review of Mobile Cultures: New Media in Queer Asia. Popular Communication, vol. 2, no. 3: 187-189.
Erni, John N. (2001). “Tender Science and Elevated Mourning: A Review of T=MP2,” Reviews 4, Star Alliance, City Festival 2001, Hong Kong.
Erni, John N. (1994). “AIDS on Video: Rethinking Philadelphia,” Red Herring: Journal of Contemporary Arts and Issues, 1(9): 24.
Erni, John N. (1989). “John Fiske’s Television Culture: A Review,” Journal of Film and Video, vol. 41, no. 1: 57-61.